Prince iL NEVER LOVES Princess hD forever and ever ..

Thursday, 4 August 2011

.... by iL

Versi I

HYE sy izhar…
sy nk bgtau kat awk yg sy rindu sgt kat awk.. tiap hari sy xpena lupa kan awk,even sy dlm clas pon lect ngah mngaja pikeran sy asyik ke awk je.. sy tak tau apasal,awk bomoh kan sy ehh?? Heheh.. kalo boleh sy nk sentiasa je ngn awk, sy tau xkan bole cmtu.. sbb nya awk ada keje awk,sy pon ada keje sy jugak.. tp kan best kalo mende tu jd dlm masa skg. and  Sy nk minx maaf sbb dh lama x care umah kita ni,even sy x add pape pon kat umah kita sntiasa singgah skjap,wlupun tak harap awk tak terasa hati ngn sy.. sy nk awk tau yg sy syg sgt kat awk..  sy taknak khlgn org sy syg lagi..

Sy tau dlm phbgn kita ni awk byk sgt trluka,sy byk buat awk sedih. Im not good enough for you my dear.. I admit it! Sy tau sy bukan mnusia yang baik , tp sy boleh jd yg trbaik utk awk..  sy just nk awk terima sy  seadanya seprti mana sy trima awk seadanya.. tp sy tau awk takkan bole terima cara sy mcm ni.. sy faham.. and sy bertuah sgt dpt awk,sy hepi sgt ngn awk.. kekadang sy bangge sbb dpt awk,xsngka org yang mcm sy ni ade jugak pmpn cm awk ni pndg sy..heheh..and sy tak pasti samada hepi sy ni akan kekal or hanya semntara.. sy harap sgt hepi sy ni akan kekal smpi biler2.. Amin..

Actly, sy tgh tggu msg dri smpi skg awk tak reply pon. Sy tak tau nape,maybe awk busy or maybe awk malas nk layan sy dh. Sy msj awk just nk bgtau perasaan sy kat awk skg ni.. Dalam pikeran sy hnya ada awk sahaja.  Sy minx maaf sgt2 kalo msj sy tu mmbuat kan awk menyampah or serabut.. Im sorry.. 

" Prince iL will loves princess hD forever and ever.. "

Someone said I'm no longer euphoria as I seemed to be

Yesterday, my ex-student chatted with me via fb. It was a normal conversation between us asking for each other's news. However, something had really awoken me by that time when he told a remarkable observation of him towards me. He said he noticed that I was no longer like the old days. He asked me whether I have problems since he claimed "I am no longer happy like before nowadays and the euphoria is no longer there". I was pretty shocked to hear his claims. Pondering upon his hypotheses, I guess maybe he is true as people will judge us better as usually we could not identify or sometimes didn't realise about our own weaknesses or ugly appearance. He said, I looked dull to be compared to before where I always look good with a beautiful coloured clothes. Other than feeling glad about his compliment, I started to think back about his comments. I told him that maybe he was right as nowadays, my day is no longer like before.

Nothing has given me a constant happiness so far. Each time I feel, the happiness is there, it would not always last long because most of the time, I would discover the dead end of the road to the bad disguise that I refused to hear.I always wonder why I couldn't get the happiness all the entire time of my life. However, to think back rationally, it's part and parcel of life that I should face patiently. There must be something which had been planned by Allah to me in challenging me to be a better person. 

As quoted from Harun Yahya, (n.d):

“Kerana sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan, sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan.”(Surah al-Insyirah: 5-6)

Seperti mana yang ALLAH telah jelaskan pada ayat-ayat tersebut, walau apapun kesukaran yang dihadapi atau bagaimana ia diatasi, ALLAH menyediakan jalan keluar dan memberikan berita gembira buat hamba-hambaNYA yang beriman. Sesungguhnya, setiap hambaNYA akan dapat menyaksikan bahawa ALLAH sentiasa mengurniakan kemudahan pada kesulitan yang dialami selagi mana hambaNYA itu kekal sabar. Dalam firmanNYA yang lain, ALLAH memberikan khabar gembira berupa petunjuk dan rahmat buat para hamba yang sentiasa takut dan mengharap padaNYA.

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Surat Aţ-Ţalāq (The Divorce) - سورة الطلاق

And when they have [nearly] fulfilled their term, either retain them according to acceptable terms or part with them according to acceptable terms. And bring to witness two just men from among you and establish the testimony for [the acceptance of] Allah . That is instructed to whoever should believe in Allah and the Last day. And whoever fears Allah - He will make for him a way out
And will provide for him from where he does not expect. And whoever relies upon Allah - then He is sufficient for him. Indeed, Allah will accomplish His purpose. Allah has already set for everything a [decreed] extent.

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