Prince iL NEVER LOVES Princess hD forever and ever ..

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

How I wish I could have a candle light dinner with you.. tp  in my dream jelah..jgn kau mimpi..apa apa2 pon happy anniversary b. I love u no matter what and how even though you dont really wish me to be a part of life pon.. Takpelah nak wat camne..bertepuk sebelah tangan..Redha jelah..

Anyway, just want to let you know that u are the greatest bf. Even though we frequently hurt each other, every day but seriously to leave u is the hardest thing to do.

I tried so many times but couldnt make it to.

Hence I believe I should stay even though it's hurt ;(

That's all for now.. Love uso much my dearie abi..

XoXo - hD

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