Prince iL NEVER LOVES Princess hD forever and ever ..

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Acute headache

Tak tahulah apa nak jadi ngan aku ni, kepala menjadi-jadi sakitnya..Berdenyut2 makin kuat tak tahulah bila nak baik. Dah dua hari berdenyutnya.. My life fluctuated like the bar graph. Increased steadily and decreased sharply. So complicated to deal with a heart. I wonder what went wrong but truly I am not okay and I am totally sad not to have you beside me. Tak tahulah sampai bila tah nak kena face perkara macam ni. Just want to smile and be happy. Last 3 days, happynya bukan kepalang.. Hari-hari rasa bahgia je balik.. Tapi tak bertahan lama..maybe memang nak aku sedih hingga aku tua.. ;(

Wahai matahari where r u?? I really need you now.. ;((

long distance relationship flash animation

♥ You Got Me ♥

Dont let me fall - Lenka

Kate Nash - Nicest Thing (Animation)

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