Prince iL NEVER LOVES Princess hD forever and ever ..

Thursday, 21 July 2011

How did we meet with each other?

1st Story

To recall back the memory, it was not the memory that I expected before: never imagined, never dreamt yet never believed that there would be someone who would find my first blog which I haven't updated for ages. My condition at that particular moment was totally disaster. My heart was just broken into pieces by a useless maniac guy who I liked very much. It was 3months passed, the tears were no longer there but frankly speaking the memory between him n me was hard to be forgotten and it had suffered me with misery. Luckily I have few important people who I considered as a place for me to share everything especially when it deals with emotion. They had taught me to be strong. To be sincere, I was emotionless before doing nothing important, surfing the Internet, checking my FB account and letting the Y!M on without borthering it. 

I  had bundle of things to be done: assignments and searching for work materials yet none of them interests me the most to do it. I just busy entertaining my sorrow by watching Mat Lutfi's videos. I claimed Mat Lutfi as someone who had successfully made me laugh and erased my misery for a while. I forgot what a boring life could be. That's why I kept on watching his videos from youtube. Suddenly, I saw a pop-up msg from Y!M. Somebody wanted to add me. In my mind : "sape plak ni". Looking at the name, his first name sounds like my old buddy's name while his second name sound like the funniest person who I described above ;p..

Without hesitation, I just approved him. My guess was totally wrong as he claimed that he was not my friend. When I asked him, where did he get my Id, he just explained that he got it from my blog. I was starting to calculate every detail that he explained as everything seemed to be suspicious. I started to make wild assumpation to him that he might be somebody that knew me as no one has never claimed that they got my Y!M id through my blog which I haven't updated for ages. My deep curiosity had encouraged me to question him more and there were a lot of possibilities that I myself started to feel doubt about him which I decided to ignore him from Y!M list..

To be continued... 
(hD luvs iL ~8.09 pm)

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