Nothing much to write here after waiting for some times.. Just wanna say that I am thankful to Allah for giving me the strength and guidance as well as hearing my sorrow deep in my heart. It's like a blessing that I got when I was totally down and sad after waiting to hear something from someone but it ended up nothing in despair. I realised that slowly Allah sent me somebody who can at least make me smile a little bit after some times didn't know what's the meaning of a true and sincere smile. For sending me a person who seemed to see clearly what's on my mind and could read between the line of what I was thinking on a few hours ago. It was like a messenger from Allah to tell me to be patient and the advives that she had given to me was totally true and I will take it as a source of motivation to boost my spirit back. Thanks a lot for the advices. I will remember what that person told me. The key are prayers. The only thing that you can do even when you are happy and sad. That person reminded me that every hardship and sadness that I face today is a test from Allah, where I need to face it patiently by strongly holding on to the right path without putting on any doubts to Him.
P/s: Semua yg berlaku ke atas kita, baik dan buruk sudah ditetapkan dan sudah ditakdirkan Allah untuk kita. Kita tidak boleh menyalahkan takdir jika apa yg kita dapat itu tidak seindah apa yg dirancang dan terkeluar dari lumrah kehidupan. Jangan kita hanya berserah dan menyerah kalah dengan ujian yg diberikan Allah s.wt kepada kita semata-mata menganggap itu adalah takdir yg telah ditetapkan. Bahkan apa yg perlu kita lakukan adalah, berusaha mengubah dan mengawal nafsu kita untuk terus mentaati perintah Allah walaupun berat untuk kita lakukan. Ingatlah ujian yg Allah berikan itu bukanlah takdir yg perlu kita berserah bulat2 tapi adalah jalan dan punca untuk mengajar kita erti mengingati, bermunajat dan sentiasa bermohon pertolongan daripada Allah s.w.t. yg menunjukkan betapa kerdilnya kita di sisiNya Wallahualam.
The journey will never end yet. I have to keep on moving
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