Dah lama rasanya tak say anything kat sini.. dah lama jugak rasanya tak berhubungan.. Bukan apa, tapi saja membawa diri.. Biasakan diri untuk hidup sendiri, tiada siapa ambil peduli, tiada siapa untuk hargai, tiada siapa nak kisah/kasih dan ambil berat.. SEKIAN..Terkilan pun ada, sedih pun ada tapi semua tu dah tak penting dah skarang sebab I think I managed to live by myself now. [Trying my best from the first day that you decided to leave me ;) ]
Apa2pun takde apa nak cakap sangat pun. Just terpanggil nak say something kat sini sebab risau.. Dulu I pernah janji kan nak kasi semangat kat seseorang untuk berubah and I believe he will manage to change sooner or later but with a high impact motivation.. Sebenarnya a little bit shocked and worried to incidentally find out something that is not supposed to be revealed by you on the internet. Tapi I don't know why, you kept having the daredevil mindset to reveal it or maybe it was not you who's the one that made it.. Ntahlah tak pasti.. Yang pasti sgt risau dengan keadaan itu and I pray to Allah that it wasn't come from you, yourself coz I really want to see your changes soon..Apa pun yg telah terjadi, I will never forget you even though I have faded a dream and hope for u. So pls bear in mind that I really want you to change for your own good.
P/s: .. It's hard to forget you when I still care for u :)
asyik hilang je gamba kat entry ni..sape punya keje tah...ishhhhhh
maybe keje Awan nano kot...
motiffff hanggg..poke kankkk..poke kankkkk sape suh tukar gamba??cubit kank!!
Mana gmba kat entry ni?? Huhu
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