Dear my baby A.A.F @k@ I.L,
It’s a year now. Exactly one year ago on 15th of April 2011 at 9.50, he added me via y!M. Frankly speaking , knowing him makes me having the opportunity to have a wonderful new experience having a special relationship with him even though it just started through below simple introduction that I myself never expected it would long a year:
iL (4/15/20119:54:45PM): thnks for the appr
hD (4/15/2011 9:54:55 PM): u r welcome
hD (4/15/2011 9:54:59 PM): siapakah?
iL (4/15/2011 9:56:07 PM): me? org lahh..sape lagi..
Day by day, we have been facing with a lot of joy and sorrow together. It would be totally devastating to lose you even a day. I know, I could not face it alone as every day I always imagine myself to sit and to be held in your arms, feeling totally safe under your care and loving you endlessly like the world is only between you and me.
I always imagine myself looking into your pretty eyes and playing with your fingers and always promise myself that I will always be by your side and always do anything just for you. The endless mixed feelings that I had, the mixture of wariness, happiness, nervousness, sadness, excitement and love, are too complicated yet exclusive to be described but sure I realised it never stops to give me tears to my eyes yet a broad smile to my lips. Somehow, you taught me to see from different horizon that I learnt the true feeling of love and it surely extraordinary, deep and meaningful which I used to dream but never expected it to loom within me before.
My dear baby: It has been a year now. Time flies too fast. Having you and your love in my life has made me grow stronger. Day by day, month by month I am totally thankful to Allah for giving me this wonderful gift on Earth. Nothing much I can express here. I just want to let you know that how much I love you deep in my heart. Honestly, there is nothing I can give you for our first anniversary. I don’t know what to give and although I have one, I don’t know how I could let it to be sent to you. The only thing I have here is only this love note as a sign of our love. May all the memories that we shared would be alive forever and hopefully it never fades away as time flies.
Happy 1st anniversary my dearie kasih.
I love you so much.
little baby hD
1 comment:
thanks syg.. cepat kan masa berlalu?
kalau diberi pilihan i nk sgt kita putarkan balik masa. and i nak perbaiki sgala kesalahan i yg tlah i lakukan.
btw, happy our anniversary bby mnja :)
sorry, hari ni i buatkan u sakit hati.. tido lena2 ya syg. goodnight :)
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