Prince iL NEVER LOVES Princess hD forever and ever ..

Friday 20 February 2015

Yumm..Yumm.. Tadaaaa..Telur masak merah masterchef. aF masak.. 
Pandainya b syg masak..Tak sangka syg..Jelous syg tgk..Sbb nampak cam pro masak. Tak sangka b syg ni talented.. 
Syg ingat lagi b marah syg dulu sbb tak ajar b, betul-betul cara masak telur tumis ni. B cakap rasa bawang dan lekat dekat tekak b. Kesian b. Sorry b, sebab dulu syg nak cepat pergi kelas. B pulak duk tanya syg camne nak masak.. Memangla syg tak dapat bagitau gitu-gitu je cara masaknya sebab bajet b dah faham.. 
Haha..Rupa2nya b tak tau sebenarnya bawang tuh kena tumis dulu hingga kekuningan.Lepas tu b marah syg sebab b cakap syg tak reti ajar.. Haha. n b cakap b xnak dah tanya syg lao nak masak..haha..

Tapi hari tetiba b tanya syg ea cara nak masak..Pelik syg..Takut gak syg nak ajar lebih2, sebab syg ingat lagi dulu bila syg bagi banyak ramuan sket, b dah bising. B cakap leceh n b dah lapar sgt dah. That's why tadi masa b tanya camne nak masak syg bagi sesimple mungkin.

Syg just cakap hiris bawang, tumis sampai kekuningan, n bubuh sos cili n tomato.. Pastu buh perasa n air..

(Pastu syg teringat yang b suka pedas : so syg suh b buh cili boh kalau ada and terpikir lau suh bubuh air asam jawa, agak2 b ada tak? n b akan cakap leceh tak? so end up syg tak cakap pun bubuh sbb malas nak dgr b cakap takde or leceh or end up terlebih bubuh jadi masam plak..haha)

Tapi tak sangka sgt, b syg ni hebat. Dia tau nak buh air asam jawa atas creativity sendiri and akhirnya jadi sdp telur masak merah dia. Bangga syg dgn b.. Dah pandai masak..

Lepas ni, mmg b boleh apply masuk masterchef..Hebat b syg ni.. Can't wait to see other meal to be cooked by my b soon.. Hehe.. 

Saturday 14 February 2015

Kau Tercipta


Hi syg..

B dh try byk kali dh ni. Tpi xboleh jugak la. Dh xtaw nk buat mcm mna lagi ni..
Tggu syg makan setahun b dok trcongok kt depan lappy ni. Dah la makan lupa b..

Tuesday 13 January 2015


It was a delightful morning yesterday when B had started to call me syg again. Nothing more could describe my feeling at the moment when we were text messaging early in the morning except I was flabbergasted. He actually replied my late good night wish msg which was sent earlier. After that first msg, I wasn’t so sure the reason why I was suddenly longing for the word syg to be uttered by him. And out of sudden, wallahh as if he could read my mind from far: I got a reply from him and in that msg, I could see the word syg again. It was like a magic as everything that had been worried by me started to disappear. I can say that it was an idyllic moment to be recalled and I believe now that I’ve never succeeded to neither run nor hide from him anymore coz I really love him before, now and forever. 

Saturday 3 January 2015

Just wanna wish you

Happy New Year 2015

What?? It's already 2015. I haven't finished my business for 2014, yet 2015 has arrived too fast. 

Hmm after all life has to be moved on.
What is passed, remains in the past.
What is yet not passed, remains to be achieved in the future.

Good luck for our future career. May Allah bless us with a smooth and silky journey.


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